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Selling Your Study Drugs Is Not Worth the Risks

Grace, Tisdale & Clifton P.A.

In your college orientation, you may have heard of the benefits of eating a healthy diet, exercising and getting adequate sleep to maximize your chances of success in your academics. You may have tried this, but nothing seemed to provide clarity and focus quite like popping one or two of your ADHD pills.

Maybe you have taken Adderall, Ritalin or another stimulant since elementary or middle school, or perhaps your doctor prescribed it at your request when you started college. You may have shared some with a friend or two, and before you knew it, you had a nice little side business, especially around exam time. However, as helpful as you may think these drugs are for your academic achievement, they are also placing you at risk for serious legal trouble.

Bad for your body

Adderall, Ritalin and other similar medications used as study drugs are controlled substances. This means the government keeps strict control over their distribution and use because of the high potential for addiction or physical harm from misuse. The U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration places these drugs in the Schedule II category along with cocaine because they have the same potential for abuse and addiction.

Before prescribing your ADHD medication, your doctor likely did blood work and ran blood tests to check for signs that your body would react adversely to the stimulant effect of the drugs. If you are selling your meds to others who have not had the benefit of similar diagnostic tests, you place them at risk of serious medical complications.

Bad for your future

If you have found an added benefit in selling your study drugs on campus, you are not alone. In fact, you should know that North Carolina police and drug enforcement agencies are aware that the illegal distribution of Schedule II drugs on college campuses is becoming more common, and it may not be long before they catch up with you. Even if you are merely sharing your pills with friends, law enforcement may decide you are distributing drugs and charge you with a crime.

The penalties for distributing drugs can be serious, including fines and incarceration if you are convicted. Additionally, your college or university may impose its own penalties, which may mean suspension, loss of campus housing, revocation of scholarships and a permanent mark on your transcripts. Drug convictions also mean the potential for losing eligibility for federal financial aid. To avoid these consequences, it is always best to refrain from sharing prescription drugs. However, if you are already facing charges, you may benefit from the counsel of a skilled attorney.
