Winston-Salem Rape Defense Lawyer
Experienced Defense for Rape Charges in North Carolina
If you or someone you know is facing rape charges in Winston-Salem, you need a skilled and experienced legal team to defend your rights and fight for justice. At Grace, Tisdale & Clifton P.A., we are committed to providing unwavering legal support to individuals accused of rape in North Carolina. Our Winston-Salem rape defense lawyers understand the complexities of these cases and are dedicated to securing the best possible outcome for our clients.
Call Grace, Tisdale & Clifton P.A. today at (336) 515-6552 or contact us online to schedule a meeting with our rape defense attorney in Winston-Salem!
What is Rape?
Rape is a severe criminal offense in North Carolina, defined as engaging in non-consensual sexual intercourse with another person. Consent is crucial in these cases, as any sexual activity without it can lead to rape charges. It's important to understand that rape can occur in various circumstances, and our dedicated team at Grace, Tisdale & Clifton P.A. is well-versed in handling all types of rape cases, including those involving:
- Forced Penetration: This involves any form of penetration without the other person's consent, whether vaginal, anal, or oral.
- Statutory Rape: In cases where one party is below the age of consent, even if they agreed to sexual activity, it is considered rape under North Carolina law.
- Date Rape: When sexual intercourse occurs without consent, even within a dating or social context, can lead to serious legal consequences.
- Spousal Rape: Contrary to popular belief, spousal rape is also a crime in North Carolina. If one partner engages in non-consensual sexual activity with the other, it may result in rape charges.
What are the Penalties for Rape in North Carolina?
The penalties for rape in North Carolina are severe and may vary depending on the case's specific circumstances. Generally, the consequences of a rape conviction can include:
- Lengthy Prison Sentences: Those convicted of rape often face long prison sentences, with the possibility of life imprisonment for more severe cases.
- Sex Offender Registration: Individuals convicted of rape are typically required to register as sex offenders, which can have lifelong implications on various aspects of their lives.
- Criminal Record: A rape conviction can lead to a permanent criminal record, affecting employment opportunities, housing, and more.
- Probation and Parole: In some cases, individuals may be subject to probation or parole as part of their sentence.
Our experienced Winston-Salem rape defense lawyers at Grace, Tisdale & Clifton P.A. understand the gravity of these penalties and work tirelessly to help our clients avoid or minimize them.
What Makes Our Team the Right Choice?

Every one of our attorneys is from the local town and graduated Wake Forest Law School.
Our legal team has experience handling all manner of criminal cases and have a comprehensive list of satisfied clients.
Our clients are our top priority. Each team member treats every client with respect and every case with discretion.
The majority of our lawyers are former prosecutors and know how the system works.